The Issues
Special Education:
All students, regardless of where they come from, deserve opportunities to grow and thrive. As your school board member, I will advocate and fight tirelessly to make sure that our kids with special needs receive quality, stimulating educational opportunities.
Equity in school:
I am committed to ensuring that every student receives an education that allows them to pursue their passions and interests. As your school board member, I will support a budget that gives schools the money they need to renovate classrooms, provide our children with a variety of curricular and extracurricular activities, and ensure our teachers have the tools they need to give our kids a balanced education.
Preparing kids for the future:
Whether our children want to go to college or pursue a trade, we need to prepare them for their future. That’s why I’ll be a strong advocate to return more vocational education opportunities to APS schools so our students receive a variety of educational experiences as they head into adulthood.